Battery thefts

July 9, 2020, 7:43 am


Citizens of Moosomin Detachment Area

Please be on the lookout for stolen batteries. A report came in today as the Dept. of highways had batteries stolen out of a grader southeast of Rocanville. Two batteries worth $1,000 each were stolen along with one from a packer ($150-200 value).

If you come across anyone with unusual heavy duty batteries or someone tries to sell you some, please take note of their vehicle plate #, descriptors of people and contact Cst Pomeroy at Moosomin Detachment ASAP. That's as soon as possible in cool person talk.

Please take this opportunity to evaluate the security of your property to try to deter thieves. Much as we'd like to, we can't be everywhere at once.

Thank you and carry on,

Sgt. Fefchak

