Myron Griffon Germo

Myron Griffon Germo

March 17, 1936-
March 3, 2016

As published in the March 14, 2016 World-Spectator


Germo, Myron Griffon passed away peacefully at the Regina General Hospital.

Myron was born in Young, SK, the second child of parents Gust and Marie Germo. Siblings Bernard (deceased) Marvel (deceased) and Dennis. Dad was born with a bad heart, the doctors telling his parents that he would not see 12 years of age, marry or have a family. He was told he could not exert himself in any way including sports, running, or basically being an active child. He was determined to make his life full . . . and he did.

Myron Germo wed Kae Hovdestad, the love of his life, on Aug. 9, 1958 after meeting at LCBI, in Outlook, SK. Bringing 7 children into the world together. Dad had a very rich and full life, leaving a legacy and Christian heritage he was very proud of. Linda Germo (Mark Skagen), Jeff Germo (Ruth), Darrell Germo (Olga), Corlis Germo Leggott (Vince), Paul Germo (Kristi), Dan Germo (Nancy), Kathleen Germo Loyola (Raul)

Myron’s 22 grandkids were the apple of his eye. He loved each and every one fully. Amber Cole Phelps (Tim) and Robert Cole (Poong); Dennis, Maria, Nicole and Miron Germo; Nash and Ronique Leggott; Kristopher , Abigail, Trygve, Solveig, Gwenna, Bryn, Leif and Lydia Germo; Graham, Cailin and Ellie Germo; Naomi, Shoshanna and Dominic Loyola.

Myron loved music, art, travel, adventure, rainbows, wildlife, animals, sports (although he could not play due to his heart). Myron did many things professionally throughout his career, but his passion was talking about his Lord and Savior, whether it was preaching from the pulpit or sharing one-on-one with friends and family. Preaching throughout AB, SK and as far as Africa he had an impact on many lives. Dad preached his last sermon Wednesday, March 2, 2016, the day before he went to be with his Saviour.

Myron had given his life to the Lord on March 3, 1954 exactly 62 years before the Lord took him home to meet Him face to face, on March 3, 2016. The three Bible verses that helped bring him to the Lord are

John 1:9: But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness.

John 1:12: But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.

And Romans 6:9: We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead, and he will never die again. Death no longer has any power over him.
