Moosomin’s first Walk for Alzheimer’s raises $140,000
June 3, 2024, 10:41 am
Ashley Bochek
Moosomin held its first Walk for Alzheimer’s Saturday, May 25, and it far exceeded expectations.
About 140 people participated in the event and it raised about $140,000 toward the Alzheimer’s Society of Canada.
Beckie Quist of Alzheimer’s Saskatchewan said she was suprised by the number of people who came out for the walk in Moosomin and the total raised.
Quist says they haven’t received the final total raised for Moosomin, but estimate it is around $140,000.
“We don’t have everything in hand, but the estimate, based on what we do have processed and what we heard was brought in on Saturday brings Moosomin’s fundraising total to nearly $140,000. It was an incredible success,” she said.
Amazed by success
Quist says provincial organizers are surprised by the success of Moosomin’s first walk.
“We are blown away by the success in Moosomin and the surrounding communities. There really is no comparison. Especially knowing this is Moosomin’s first planned event like this. It is incredible looking at the amount raised in Moosomin for the Alzheimer’s Society to support the programs and services we offer in Moosomin like the support group.”
Quist says the organizing committee and volunteers in Moosomin are the reason the event had a great turnout.
“Each community is so different, but there is real heart in Moosomin that has obviously shone through for the first walk there. The organizing and planning committee and all the volunteers in Moosomin are really the shining light as to why Moosomin’s event was so successful.
“It goes without saying for a first time event the community and surrounding area really rallied together and it is obvious the impact Dementia has on everyone, but the passion and enthusiasm everyone seemed to have in Moosomin to share stories, get involved, and support those they know in the community was a big highlight for Moosomin’s success, so I think it goes without saying Moosomin was incredibly successful. Absolutely incredible.”
She said planning will soon begin for next year’s walks. “With all of our in-person walks just having happened over the weekend alongside all the other events like Moosomin’s, we are still wrapping up for 2024. We will be hard at work planning once we have everything wrapped up.”
She said each community has different fundraising targets. “Every location has different fundraising goals and capacity. The current totals are going to take some time to calculate, but the larger centres like Saskatoon and Regina will bring in tens of thousands of dollars. Saskatoon for example, will bring in something close to $70,000 or more and Regina might be slightly less.
“There are hundreds of events in communities and cities across the country that were organized by the Alzheimer’s Society, as well as events like Moosomin’s, that are planned by the communities or organizations themselves. It will take time to calculate the total nationally with everybody in the country submitting those numbers, but I can tell you that in 2023 we raised over $6 million nationally and for 2024 our goal is to exceed $7 million.
“There are different types of walk events. We have our in-person walks that are organized by the Alzheimer’s Society and then there are events like Moosomin’s that are considered a “Walk in a Box” or a third party event and those events are initiated by someone in the community, or an organization, or a community group that wants to plan an event. So, Moosomin’s support group spear-headed it and then it took off from there. Our in-person walks are bigger and planned by the Alzheimer’s Society and then there are smaller events. There is also the Walk Your Way option, where we have people who are not close to an in-person event or even an organized event like Moosomin’s that will do their own type of fundraising either as a family, a team, or in a community group.”
Next year will be the 10th anniversary of the Walk for Alzheimer’s.
“As a national movement with IG Wealth Management as the title sponsor, this is our ninth year. In 2025 it will be the tenth anniversary with IG as our title sponsor,” Quist said. “Before our title sponsor and it becoming a national movement, the Alzheimer’s Society in Saskatchewan has been hosting Alzheimer’s Walks for much longer than that.”
She said funds raised will help people living with Alzheimer’s.
“All of the funds raised will help support programs and services that improve quality of life for people living with Dementia and their families in the communities where we work, as well as supporting education and awareness about Dementia, and will go toward things like the support group in Moosomin,” she said. “Research is incredibly important as well. Not only is it going into possibly a cure, but looking into a cause and prevention. It goes into running programs. Programs can help improve quality of life for so many people. Research is impactful for people who are affected by Dementia and can improve their quality of life.”
‘Humbled and speechless’
Quist said she is humbled by the support.
“We are humbled and speechless by the sheer amount of support given by those that are affected by Dementia in our province by the families, friends, organizations of those who know and love them. We know Dementia affects everyone and Moosomin has shown how meaningful it can be to have a community of support, which is definitely one of the most important things about the Walk for Alzheimer’s.
“It brings friends and families together to share in the struggles of how Dementia impacts us all, and get a sense of what having a community of support means, and then ultimately to feel hopeful that we can look forward to a world without Alzheimer’s and Dementia, and feel connected to those who are possibly going through similar journeys.”