One more good reason to shop local this Christmas season
November 7, 2019, 4:01 pm

What do local businesses do for your community?
Besides providing jobs for your friends and neighbors, and paying taxes to support local services, local businesses donate significant amounts each and every year to all sorts of local clubs, teams, activities, organizations, and events.
You doing business with local companies keeps our communities going and growing.
If you are on a committee or local groups of any sort, you know that donations and sponsorships do not come in from companies like Costco, Walmart, Amazon or Superstore.
There’s one more reason to shop in the local area this Christmas shopping season—it could make you $15,000 richer!
Local businesses are always working hard to earn your business, and I’m proud that so many have stepped up to the plate to support our 2019 $15,000 Christmas Giveaway.
Your entry gives you a chance to win the $15,000 main prize, but we also have a large number of additional prizes valued in total at more than $5,000, provided by our participating businesses. This year’s prizes include everything from $400 gift certificate from Today’s Enterprises in Redvers to a selection of local honey from Longman Apiaries to a smart home package from the Wireless Age in Esterhazy to a Bowflex Upper Cut from Flamans in Moosomin.
What happens if you win the $15,000 main prize?
We will be making the draw just before Christmas, and if we draw your name, you will be getting a call just before Christmas, letting you know you have won.
You will receive a chequebook. You can fill out the cheques for any amount at any participating business. So you can buy a trip, you can buy a quad, you can put a downpayment on a truck, you can use a cheque when you buy a load of groceries at the Co-op—whatever you want to spend the money on at those participating businesses, you can spend it as you see fit.
We were busy last week taking draw boxes to businesses throughout the region, and watching some of the secondary prizes come in. It’s easy to get excited about this draw, and how amazing that our business community in this small area can get together and do something on this scale.
My favorite part of the Christmas draw is letting the winner know that they have won! Our winners over the last few years were Scott Weatherald, Nancy Campbell, Tawna Bartley, Desiree Neville, and Corinne Lewis.
You could be our winner this year!
Our participating businesses have come up with some great ideas of how you could spend the money if you are the winner, and you will be seeing some of those ideas in the paper over the next few weeks. We will be focusing on different businesses in the paper each week during the promotion, letting people know what prize they’re contributing, and how you could spend $15,000 at that business if you are the winner.
This chance to win an incredible prize is one more reason to support your local businesses this Christmas shopping season.
Small business owners and employees are hard working people, they support the organizations that keep your community running, they work hard all year long to earn your business, and this Christmas season, small businesses throughout the area are working together through this promotion to give you one more reason to support the businesses that support your community.
Thanks to all the businesses that are taking part in our Christmas Giveaway this year, and thanks to all those who support their local businesses by shopping locally in the Christmas season and throughout the year!