Telemiracle fundraiser in Moosomin

February 22, 2023, 1:11 pm


There is a fundraiser for Telemiracle in Moosomin this week.

“We are starting a fundraiser and doing a 50/50 draw for the community of Moosomin sponsored by the Kin family—the K40, the Kinsmen and Kinettes,” said Robert Mullett. “All funds raised will go strictly to Telemiracle.

“We want to get Moosomin back into being involved with Telemiracle. It’s been a few years since we’ve been able to do a donation and we thought that this would be a good thing for the community. People can give their donations, they can buy tickets and have a chance of winning, but also they can donate that money back to Telemiracle too.”

Mullett said the fundraiser came together quickly. “The Kinsmen hadn’t had time and they didn’t get anything together this year so we thought that 50/50s are always popular no matter if it’s for the hospital or in Regina at a hockey game—everybody loves to get in on a 50/50—so we thought that this would be a good chance for people in the community to stop in and spend $5 or $20 on some tickets and support Telemiracle, which we know is the best fundraiser in Saskatchewan. It goes back to all of the communities where people need it.

“People can either stop in at any of the three locations that you see on the ad in the paper or any Kinsmen, Kinette, or K40 will have tickets available.

“When you look at the people that it’s helped, the money that’s put back into the community, and when you see the Telemiracle show actually going and you see people that are giving everything to support other people in our province, we are probably the most fortunate province where we are able to turn around and give our extra money back to someone who’s in need. This is all part of what being in a small community is all about. We’re going to give back to the Saskatchewan that we feel proud of.”

