Tree lighting being held at SEICC Dec. 14

December 8, 2023, 11:25 am

The Sparkle of Life Tree Lighting Ceremony last year in front of the South East Integrated Care Centre. There were bonfires, hot chocolate, a raffle table, and the lighting of the trees. The event was a fundraiser for the Moosomin Long Term Care and Health Care Foundation.

On Thursday, December 14, the South East Integrated Care Centre Long Term Care and The Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation will be hosting the Sparkle of Life Tree Lighting Ceremony in the parking lot of the South East Integrated Care Centre at 6 pm.

The ceremony is a chance for people to place a star, in memory of a loved one, on display at the integrated site.

“The Sparkle of Life campaign is a time to remember people who were important to us throughout our lives,” said Sara Gustafson, Recreation Coordinator at SEICC Long Term Care Home. “This time of year can be very hard when we are missing family and friends who we can no longer share seasonal celebrations and festivities with. How long one is left to mourn is unique to every individual and the depth of the relationship you shared. The community will come together for one reason, honoring and remembering.”

Last year, Gustafson, many members of the team at SEICC and the Health Care Foundation reintroduced the campaign since the previous tree lighting held in 2011.

“Last year’s lighting was a great success” said Gustafson. “With the help of time and donations from Tim Hortons, RBC Bank, SEICC staff, Trent and Jody Schmidt, Coleen Webb, Dawn Wilson and Shirley Lindsay and Choir, it was a wonderful ceremony only made more magical by amounts of snow falling that evening.”

The ceremony entailed a bonfire, hot chocolate, donation area to purchase a star, carols and speeches. This year Gustafson, with the help of others, plan to do the same thing. Last year there was $868 raised towards end of life care at SEICC. Besides purchasing the lights for the tree, items that have been purchased with the funds raised include open back nightgowns, supplies for family while visiting, sheepskins, mattresses, angels for family when a loved one passes, large sleeper chairs for family to stay close to a loved one who may be palliative, and much more.

To purchase a memory star or make a donation at any time, the SEICC front desk, the Long Term Care Recreation Department and the Moosomin IDA will have them available in the afternoons of December 5 and December 12.

A special display of the stars with memories will be displayed at the hospital and Long Term Care main halls along with the tree lighting ceremony.

“Still today, at SEICC, there is a volunteer palliative sitting committee for those who desire it. Not only for the resident or patient’s end of life process, but to offer support for families as well,” said Gustafson. “As staff at SEICC, we are also trained and have a process for end of life care that we continue to improve through education, opportunities and support of fundraisers such as this.”

Donations can be made during any time of the year for palliative care through the Moosomin and District Health Care Foundation.

